When property developers in Melbourne want to carry out extension projects on public buildings or schools, it's important to implement sound planning protocols to minimise disruptions to the property’s ongoing functions.
Misr Construction is experienced with these kinds of live site projects, where the building needs to keep operating while construction is underway. While tricky, it can be successfully managed with the right forethought.
Pre-Planning and Design
Any successful live site project relies on solid planning, where architects, engineers and other stakeholders all need to be involved in the extension design while considering the needs of the existing building and its day-to-day operational requirements.
During the planning phase, it is important to ensure that the construction of an extension doesn't disrupt essential services in public areas. This includes assessing the layout, understanding the existing infrastructure, and forecasting what potential challenges might be encountered so that they can be incorporated into the plan.
The project needs to be broken up into manageable stages, which might include temporarily rerouting foot traffic or relocating certain services.
Effective Communication
No matter how much detailed planning is implemented, the execution will fail if clear communication is not at the centre of the project. Communication will help avoid confusion, minimise disruption and ensure that staff, students, the public and other contractors are all aware of what needs to happen and when.
It might be worthwhile designating a project manager or communication liaison to hold regular briefings with the client and other relevant stakeholders to update them on the project’s progress, as well as any potential risks and schedule updates.
Various notices should be issued, along with clear signage and even a dedicated website, which can help to keep everyone informed of the timelines involved, what kind of disruptions could be expected, and how building access might be changed during the construction phase.
Phased Construction and Traffic Management
The construction of the extension needs to be divided into clear phases to ensure that there isn't a complete site closure to shut down all daily activities. By phasing construction, you can effectively manage foot and vehicle traffic to maintain safety and access to the building while construction is ongoing.
Health and Safety
No construction plan is complete without a clear and well-thought-out health and safety plan that considers both the construction workers and the building’s occupants. This means carrying out a detailed risk assessment to identify potential hazards posed by any construction activities, taking into account things like noise, dust and the risk inherent in using heavy machinery.
Safe zones need to be created, and appropriate barriers and fencing need to be placed to protect the workers and the public.
Here at Misr Construction, we aim to assist property developers in Melbourne to deliver commercial projects of all sizes, including extensions to schools and public buildings. Contact us today for further information.
Office: 1, 10A, 857 Doncaster Rd, Doncaster VIC 3108
Mailing Address: PO BOX 3232, Doncaster East VIC 3109
ABN: 025 079 136 084
Commerical building licence: CB-L 39177 and CB-U 4519
Domiestic building licence: DB-U 6529
MBA registration number: MBAV 6778
Engineers Australia registration number: 9827530
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